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Solution of hyperoxygenated fatty acids
Linovera® is a solution of hyperoxygenated fatty acids used in the prevention and treatment of Stage I pressure injuries. Due to the high percentage of linoleic acid, its repairing action is increased.
The vegetable extracts – aloe vera and centella asiatica – have a major protecting and healing effect on the skin.
Hyperoxygenated essential fatty acids (linoleic acid)
Aloe Vera
Centella Asiatica
Protects against external agents
Improves skin resistance
Helps to renew upper epidermis
Restores capillary circulation(1)
Stimulates the synthesis of collagen(1)
Has a hydrating and healing effect(2)
(1)Cravotto G. et all. An evaluation of the potential of 1000 plants. Journal of clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 2010 35:1:11-48
(2) M. De Pera, Evic Hispinia (Barcelona, Spain), Assessment of moisturizing effect in humans, Study report n°05-0144/1/05.137, 22 Mar 2005.
Prevention and treatment of Stage I pressure injuries